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Julia Matson


As President of the Panhellenic Council, I have the overall responsibility of operating the San Jose State University Panhellenic Association. I call and preside at all meeting of the Panhellenic Council and executive board, as well as communicate regularly with a College Panhellenic Advisor. I am available and accessible to the Panhellenic Community at all times, as well as assist the rest of the board members with their duties as needed.








Analisa Church

VP Recruitment

As Vice President of Recruitment, my position entails planning and executing recruitment weekend for all six Panhellenic sororities. This also includes hosting workshops for chapters and the women going through recruitment to inform them on the Panhellenic recruitment process.


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Stacy Johnson

VP Programming

As the Vice President of Programs, I am in charge of coordinating events with our campus's other greek councils such as Greek Week activities and GREAT sessions. I also manage community service events and am developing an all Panhellenic philanthropy with the organization, Circle of Sisterhood which aims to give girls and women an equal chance for rewarding lives and livelihoods through schooling, the learning of a trade, or even a college degree. My goal in this position is to bring our greek community together to create a strong bond to help everyone develop their chapters to their fullest potential with the support from all members and councils.  

Erin Woll

VP Standards

As VP of Standards I am familiar with the NPC Manual of Information, NPC judicial policies and San Jose State University risk management policies. I attend all Panhellenic Council and Executive Board Meetings. I serve as chairman of the Judicial board and coordinate all judicial board trainings and hearings.










Paxton Lozano


As the Treasurer for PHC, I deal with everything related to money.  I manage the budget, facilitate the income and create a budget for the treasurer after me.  Besides money, I assist other PHC executive members in needed areas.

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Allison Purhar


As the Secretary of the Panhellenic Council I keep an updated roll of the members of Panhellenic Council, record minutes of all Panhellenic Council meetings and Executive Board meetings and distribute minutes. Additionally, I work in conjunction with the Director of Public Relations to create a quarterly newsletter and help other members of the Executive Board with their duties as needed. 

Christina Dare

Director of New Member Services

As Director of New Member Services for Panhellenic, I am involved in all things related to recruitment counselors.  I facilitate the application, interviewing and training processes so our Panhellenic women can give potential new members the best recruitment experience possible.  I also work with the VP of Recruitment and assist wherever needed.

Christine Huynh

Director of Scholarship

As Director of Scholarship, I promote academic success amongst the women of PHC sororities on campus.

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Amanda Mussynski

Director of Public Relations

As the Director of Public Relations, it is my job to market and brand the Panhellenic houses on SJSU's campus to our community.  I do this through social media and on campus events.  I tell the story of what Greek women do, which includes, scholarship, philanthropy, sisterhood and the betterment of our campus community.

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